Thank you for taking the first step in understanding what your unique qualities are and to discover your authentic leadership style!


Why do we use profiling tools?

Profiling tools were introduced to me when I studied a double major in psychology.  Each week I would enjoy learning that statistically, I was like others that had mastered their strengths and leveraged their weaknesses.  However, let me explain why this leadership authenticity test trumps them ALL.

You see with most profiling, you answer some questions and it spits out a result – BAM! There I am, in a box.  However humans are far more complex than that.


Based on the DISC profiling system that was credited to Hippocrates and written about in William Moulton Marston’s book “Emotions of Normal People” we learn that it is the dissonance that causes us Dis-ease.  At Leisure Seekers we encourage you to see where in your behavioural style you are out of Alignment and clearly bring you back to a state of congruence as a Wife or Husband, a business owner or employee, a friend and neighbour.

Learning to trust yourself as a leader is a journey.  When you can be authentic and align with other authentic leaders you can partner together for greater prosperity.

In leadership coaching at Leisure Seekers, I have come to appreciate that Authenticity is critical to manage the daily intuitive decisions and many tasks that must be attended to and therefore by un-learning to mask my insecurities and vulnerabilities I allow my team to add value in these areas and create more leverage which gives me a competitive advantage as a leader, I TRUST people.

Take the test and learn, unlearn and relearn as Alvin Toffler encouraged us to be leaders in the 21st Century.  (Based on famous quote – The leader of the 21st Century will not be those who can read and write, rather the ones who can learn, unlearn and relearn.)

Kate Osborne – Leisure Seekers Director and Real Woman


VIDEO:  Kate Osborne interviews Jellaine Ross and Kim Sutton on their most current leadership challenge.  Unscripted, authentic and insightful.



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