I can still recall my first job in sales and the target I was given to achieve for a 4-hour shift. My heart beat so fast as I mutually convinced myself I wanted to achieve the respect of the boss and use my strengths to give it a shot. I assessed my product and tried to connect who would be ideal in that moment.

My best friend from primary school popped visually into my mind. I called her and told her about the product I thought would suit and she got in her car bringing her two sisters, and in one hour I had achieved my target. Some 25 years later, I still use this same technique, you see I believe there is an abundance of opportunity and enough people who desire what I produce. I must simply sit still and connect the people to the product.

Heart space and abundance

Yesterday I was talking with a young mum. Having three kids in four years. I totally get the chaos life goes through as you integrate into school life and struggle to keep emotions together as you figure out a new routine. I have recently aligned my clients with a nurse educator to keep them with their eating and exercise plan. For $250, you get a 45-day plan and full support to execute the plan. As I started to write this blog, I kept imagining her and was urged to call her and invite her to do the program with me.

Her exact words were “you must have picked up my vibe. I have a wedding I need to lose weight for and I just joined a gym, how do I get started?”

When you come from a heart space of abundance, it is critical you follow through on the hurdles – it always lead to more abundance. Not only do I have a buddy to do the program with but I have the opportunity to share this amazing product that I have benefitted from and who knows what that could lead to.


One of my first customers has been diagnosed with cancer and when we started out his eating and exercise the cancer is gone. That was over 10 years ago, and he just has his 3rd grandchild and is alive and well.

Scarcity doesn’t work in business

Business coaching does not work with people who have a scarcity mindset long term. I have come in and increased the profits of the business, however money simply magnifies who you ARE. If you are scarcity based, the more money you have, the greedier you get. I encourage you to give away some money to someone who needs it more and see how you feel?

The other thing I did when I had no money was invest 4 hours per week in a charity, giving away my talents. I am blessed I can give away more than that now and my lie has both purpose and passion.

Get abundant by working with a coach, come to our Marketing Made Easy workshop at Flight Centre on Monday 26th March 9am – 1pm to find your market so you too can serve more people.